Anemia in Focus:

The Challenge of Identifying

Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)

Anemia is a hallmark of MDS, conferring heightened mortality risk and
diminished quality of life. 
Haring Y. J Clin Med. 2023;12:5865.         Stauder R. Blood. 2018;131:505-514.

Listen to an expert
Watch Dr. David Sallman, a leading MDS specialist at the Moffitt Cancer Center, talk about the importance of investigating unexplained anemia

Explore causes of anemia


Anemia is a frequent condition in the elderly. The cause of anemia is unexplained in one-third of cases, and a great part may be attributed to myeloid neoplasms.Stauder R. Blood. 2018;131:505-514. Alvarez-Payares JC et al. Cureus. 2021;13:e19971.



Diagnose MDS


MDS should be suspected in elderly patients with isolated unexplained anemia. About 1 in 6 patients with unexplained anemia has findings compatible with MDS. McDonald L et al. Blood. 2018;132:5515-5515. Hasserjian RP et al. Blood. 2023;142:2247-2257.  Foran JM, Shammo JM. Am J Med. 2012;125(suppl):S6-S13.




Assess risk


Prognostic scoring allows assessment of disease severity. Risk stratification is important to understand the disease trajectory and enable a tailored clinical approach.Hasserjian RP et al. Blood. 2023;142:2247-2257.  Platzbecker U et al. Leukemia. 2021;35:2182-2198.



Understand the burden

MDS-related anemia shortens patients’ lives and negatively impacts their quality of life. Chronic anemia and transfusion dependence are the main clinical challenges in lower-risk MDS.Platzbecker U et al. Leukemia. 2021;35:2182-2198. Oliva EN et al. Blood Rev. 2021;50:100851.





Download a Pocket Guide

Diagnosing MDS requires an extensive series of tests, but it is also important to have a high clinical suspicion to identify risk factors for developing MDS, such as advancing age Hasserjian RP et al. Blood. 2023;142:2247-2257.  Sekeres MA. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2010;24:287-294.